Are area mask violation hotlines helping? Roundup from local health districts

On Thursday, Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine ordered a state mandate that people must where masks when in public locations when safe social distancing can not be practiced.
The governor's order stated that all individuals, 10-years-old and older in Ohio must wear facial coverings in public at all times, including:
- At an indoor location that is not a residence
- Outdoors, but unable to maintain six-foot social distance from people who are not household members
- Waiting for, riding, driving, or operating public transportation, such as a taxi, a car service, or a private car used for ride-sharing.
The order only requires those 10 years old or older to wear a mask. Additional exclusions include:
- Those with a medical condition or a disability or those communicating with someone with a disability;
- Those who are actively exercising or playing sports;
- Those who are officiants at religious services;
- Those who are actively involved in public safety; or
- Those who are actively eating or drinking.
So, the first weekend has passed since the the mask mandate went into effect and Valley health district set up hot lines to call and report violations.
So, did anyone call?
According to Tracy Styka, the community Health Education Specialist for the Mahoning County District board of Health said the office received 50 complaints on non-compliance on the mask order from July 23 through Monday morning.
Styka said the the health officials are following of with each of the businesses they received calls about, and are working the each of the businesses to educate them on the the important of wearing masks and social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Mahoning County Public Health dedicated hotline for businesses that are violating the statewide facial covering order for Ohio is 330-270-2858.
Tara Cioffi, Environmental Health Director for the Youngstown Health District said the city had received about 4 calls as of Monday, and most were at locations where people are in briefly, like gas stations and convenience stores.
Cioffi said the city health district was following up with the businesses in question and educating the businesses on the safety rules.
In the city of Youngstown, callers should call Youngstown City Health District at (330) 743-3333, and hit option 1 to report issues.
Kristofer Wilster, Director of Environmental Health for Trumbull County Combined Health District, said his office has received 18 complaints over mask violations over the weekend.
Wilster said the department sends an official out to the reported locations when we get calls about possible violations to the mask mandate. If violations are witnessed, officials will speak to the appropriate person about the importance of following the orders.
Wes Vins, the Health Commissioner for Columbiana County Genreal Health District said the county had received multiple calls and emails since the mandate started. Vins said his department is following up on all calls and emails, visiting businesses, working with the locations to either modify unsafe operation practices and to educate.
Columbiana County General Health District does not have a dedicated line for complaints, but they can still be phoned in to (330) 424-0272 or emailed to