The Center for Disease Control stated COVID-19 could be controlled in just one month if everyone wore a mask. Ohio Governor Mike DeWine is still encouraging the state to wear masks but has not issued a mandate. 

"The time for begging and pleading is over," said Dr. Dee Banks, Infectious Disease Specialist, Northeast Ohio Infectious Disease Specialists.  

"It is a stronger statement to say I'm ordering the people of Ohio to wear masks when they go out in public," said political analyst, Dr. Bill Binning, who says DeWine should enforce a mask mandate. 

Binning said "the weakness of his command is the enforcement," explaining he's disappointed DeWine has not implemented a mandate. "He should have stepped up."

Other than enforcement, Binning said DeWine could have political influence. 

"The opposition in our smaller Republican counties in the south and some very conservative members in the legislatures have given him problems," Binning said, "I don't see that's sufficient in blocking him from doing what he wants to do."

Dr. Munir Shah, Infectious Disease Specialist, Trumbull Regional Medical Center, said if everyone were to wear a mask for four to six weeks, the curve would be flattened. 

"If we all wear the masks ," Shah said, "we can definitely flatten the curve."

Banks said if masks are mandated, they should have a consistent mandate across the state. 

"Why would one county do it and then the other county across the street not do it," Banks said. "It has to be consistent messaging. It just doesn't make any other sense than to do that."

Both Shah, Banks and Binning agree a mask mandate will limit the spread of COVID-19. 

"Unfortunately the virus is still here and as see all over the country, it's up-ticking," Banks said. 

With DeWine saying a warning comes before a mandate, Binning said a statewide mandate could still be on the horizon. 

"We hope this is set up to do more," Binning said.