With concerns about COVID-19 numbers in the state of Pennsylvania and trying to help Mercer County remain in green phase so that businesses can continue the reopen process, The Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce has invited the Let's Make Masks of Greenville to provide another free mask giveaway Let's Mask Shenango Valley 2, in Sharon and Farrell from 10 a.m to Noon on Saturday, July 11.

"We invited the Let's Make Masks group to do a second drive-thru mask giveaway in the Shenango Valley this Saturday as a pre-emptive attempt to keep our county in green phase," said Sherris Moreira, Executive Director of the Shenango Valley Chamber, adding that in May the maker group did giveaways throughout the county and the chamber assisted with the one in the Shenango Valley. But for this second event, the chamber specifically requested the group come back to the area.

"We just don't want to see our county go backward especially in light of our business community that's finally been able to reopen," Moreira said, adding that besides the made masks being given away to individuals, both Buhl Regional Health Foundation and Community Foundation of Western Pa and Eastern OH are also funding the giveaway of boxes of non-surgical masks for companies and organizations. "Because of their generous donation, we'll have more than 50 boxes for small businesses, churches and nonprofits, among others, in addition to at least a couple thousand made masks for individuals."

"In light of the impact of COVID-19 we have modified our grant process temporarily so we could meet some of the community needs of the virus and felt it was important to be flexible and assist those agencies on the front line who are helping to provide basic community needs," said Mickey Gula, Executive Director of the Buhl Regional Health Foundation, which donated funds toward the purchasing of masks. "The distribution of masks is important because it not only protects the people wearing the masks but those around them and reduces the spread of this airborne virus."

The mask giveaway is headed up by Amy Lynn Clark of Sharon who is helping get out the word and coordinating with the mask making group. "Each and every one of these masks are made with love from people all over the county," said the Community Development Manager for the American Cancer Society, Northeast region. "When the pandemic began, we were a little group of people just wanting to make a difference. And 25,000 masks and counting later, we are still just trying to make a difference in the communities that we call home"

Volunteer support Saturday is coming from THRIVE Shenango Valley, the young professional initiative through the Shenango Valley Chamber as well as chamber staff, board and members plus the community-at-large.

The drive-through mask giveaway will be held 10 a.m. to Noon in the parking lot of the Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce, 41 Chestnut Ave., Sharon; and the MERP plaza at 707 Farrell-New Castle Road, Farrell.

"These are unprecedented times and the chamber is just trying to meet the needs of our community," Moreira said. "Now is the time to prioritize the health of our residents and help our business community to survive and thrive. We're all in this together, and hopefully we'll see a brighter picture on the other side for our community once we're through this."