A federal judge has sentenced a Leavittsburg man for illegally possessing a machine gun and unregistered firearms.

A U.S. District Court Judge has ordered that Jon Lengel be placed on probation for three years and that he completed 250 hours of community service.

Lengel pleaded guilty in March to one count of possessing a machine gun and two counts of possessing unregistered firearms.

A federal grand jury handed up a three-count indictment last year after authorities say Lengel was caught with the following firearms, as well as thirteen devices used to convert firearms into machine guns:

  • Two (2) Ground Zero model GZ-15 5.56 Nato caliber
  • Ground Zero model GZ-15 .223 Remington caliber
  • Sten-type 9mm Luger with no serial number
  • PPS-43 type 9mm Luger machine gun
  • Croatia Sokac machine gun
  • Fabrique National model FAL 7.62 mm NATO caliber
  • Sterling type 9 mm luger
  • Unregistered Vector Arms model V-93

In addition to probation, the judge ordered Lengel to pay a $300 assessment.