Canfield Fair Board still moving forward with September fair

So far so good for the 174th edition of the Canfield Fair.
The Fair board met Tuesday night and all systems are still go for the fair that will run from September 2nd through September 7th.
The board says they are continuing to work through all the challenges to make sure the fair will be safe and fun for everyone.
"About everyday there is a new challenge that someone comes up with, OK, throw that last one away and we're going to give you a new set of guidelines," said George Roman, Director of Concessions and Grandstands. "It's there job and we understand that and we're willing to go forward with it. As you heard with the extravanganza that we had this weekend, it was just a good lifting of the spirits for our community and when they all came in, they just want us to get this fair off the ground."
The fair board said this past weekend's fair food extravaganza attracted nearly 3900 cars over three days. It was such a success, the board approved another one in July.