Boscov's to open in October, promises 300 jobs

The chief executive officer of Boscov's gave the public a preview of what shoppers can expect when they visit the department store when it opens a new location in the Eastwood Mall in Niles.
CEO Jim Boscov spoke at Monday's news conference announcing that the 100-year-old, family-owned retailer is moving into the space left vacant with the closure of the Sears store last year.
Saying they will employ over 300 people at the store, both full and part-time. Boscov said that in addition to selling clothing, shoes, purses, cosmetics, jewelry, household needs, and furniture, the store would have a candy department with goodies like fudge, chocolate covered pretzels and nuts.
Anthony Cafaro, Jr., the Co-President of the Cafaro Company made the major announcement at the Eastwood Mall on Monday, saying "Our companies, our families are very similar and share many of the same core values."
"In 2019 we celebrated in 50 years, and reminisced about the past. But as we celebrate 2020, we celebrate 2020. We are 100% focused on the future. ... And this future begins today with an announcement of the single biggest retailer to ever open it's doors within Eastwood Mall at over 180,000 square thousand feet all under one roof," Cafaro, Jr. said.
The CEO of Boscov's promised low prices, good customer service, easy returns, and a wide selection of products, saying as an example that while many stores will offer five or six coffee makers for sale, Boscov's will have fifteen or more.
Free gift wrapping, free layaway, and military discounts every day are among the other perks offered to Boscov's shoppers.
"It will be probably be the beginning of October that we will be able to open. We will be stocked with lots of people and ready to serve you and ready for the holidays. We'll hire about 300, a combination of full and part-time people," Boscov said.
So what makes Boscov's different or special compared to other retailers? Some say there's a lot of customer service and knowledge about the products at a time when others are cutting costs.
"What's missing is service and I ask you not to tell any of our competitors. But having knowledgeable people who are empowered to help -- makes a big difference," Boscov said.
Others are wondering what kind of shopping experience to expect?
"Some people say are you more like a Macy's or more like a J.C. Penney? We're a very, very broad range. We've got something for the label shop, we've got something for the bargain shopper. We'll have Calvin Klein and Michael Kors and we'll have it at prices better than they see it at other stores. But we'll also have really promotional things. We don't do a lot of private labels but we do some private labels. We use that as a way to get extra margin, we use that as a way to open very special opening price points," Boscov tells 21 News.
Then there's the deals.
"We've got a buy one get one shoe sale that just drives traffic in like crazy. The best incredible values. Where customer pays the regular price for one shoe and gets second shoe for one dollar, that's pretty remarkable. And we limit it to 10 pairs. We limit it and we don't want dealers coming in either. But it's been a big success. It's good for us, it's good for customers," Boscov said.
What Boscov won't offer in Niles that may be offered at other Boscov locations is catering for example. "We work out of Redding, we cover the Philadelphia market, we cover Wilmington with the catering, we're not able to extend this far. As far as the optical, and the optical center Boscav says, it's a leased operation that we have, so it's not going to be coming here."
Eastwood officials have already said that Boscov's will use more space than any other retailer in the mall's history. Part of the reason Boscov's needs 180,000 square feet is that it will include a community auditorium that will be available for use by members of the public.
As a family-owned business with a 104-year history, Boscov says his business doesn't have to concern itself with the stock market and can focus on customer service.
Cafaro Company Co-president Anthony Cafaro Jr. called the news of Boscov's coming to the mall owned by his family a positive development for the area.
Cafaro said that the retailer would bring significant sales and income tax to the community, 100% funded by private business with no government tax incentives.
The store is expected to open in October.
This would be the chain's 49th store.