Valley police and firefighters came together Saturday to go head-to-head to help raise money for their departments.
The Salem Golf Club hosted the outing.
This is the second year for the event, which was established last year to show police and firefighters how appreciated they are across Mahoning and Columbiana counties.
It was no cost to play for the first responders, but other people could play to help raise money.
The community started a Guns and Hoses Fund for those in the area that participated through the Salem Community Foundation for $8,327.
This fund was established for special education or equipment needed for their safety and protection and that of the public they serve.
Organizers said the event is growing and they had 20 teams of police and firefighters this year.
Different departments played together so that they could get to know each other.
The SGC Women's Association hopes their efforts will show their support and appreciation for these men and women who risk their lives trying to keep the public safe.
Money raised from the event will go toward buying those first responders new equipment.
Those who are interested can send donations to P.O. Box 586, Salem, Ohio 44460.