After six days, this year's Canfield Fair is getting ready to come to a close Monday night.

You can't control the weather, but there are many other things you can control.
After 173 years they pretty much have things down to a science at the fair, but there's always room for improvement.
Fair officials met Monday afternoon, and they'll meet Tuesday again to talk about how to make things better.

After Sunday's storm, many people had a hard time making calls on their cellphone, so improving cell signals is something they know they need to do.

"We don't have enough bandwidth to go across the whole fairgrounds right now. That's a project we're working on right now, but it's pretty expensive to get to that point. We're doing that in phases also," said fair board member, George Roman.

Sometimes people forget where they park. They can help you with that, or you can download the Canfield fair app.

"Our rangers, if you tell them you came in at 11 a.m., we know which parking area was being used at that particular time, and within minutes we can usually find your car. If you put it on your phone app, you can find it immediately," said Roman.

But the most significant change for next year will be the construction of a new junior fair event center that will be located on the south end of the fairgrounds where the antique tractors are right now.  It's going to be 35,000 square feet of inside space that fair officials hope will be used all year round.

"We're hoping for car shows; the dog show is really excited to do more stuff inside, for Oktoberfest, for weddings. it's going to be a gorgeous facility when we're done," said fair board member, Bob Jarvis

The new event center will cost over $2 million, so they hope people renting it out will help pay off that cost over time.