The prospect of widening Western Reserve Road has been discussed for years, and now it may happen. 

Mahoning County Commissioners voted Thursday to grant MS Consultants $847,000 to get the engineering and architect study underway to begin the process of widening Western Reserve Road. 

The widening project will put in more lanes from South Avenue to Market Street.

Many use this two-lane road now to avoid 224, and Commissioner Anthony Traficanti says driver safety has become a big concern. 

"It's going to help with safety issues; it's going to help with traffic accidents that are happening all around 224, particularly rush hour. So getting the funds for this project are long overdue," Traficanti said.

The expansion will be adding a turning lane making the road three lanes.

Ninety percent of the money for the architect and design study is ODOT funded, and once the study is complete, it will go to Mahoning County Engineer Pat Ginnetti for approval and the request for funding.