Warren swears in six new police officers
The Warren police force is growing. Six new officers were sworn in on Monday.

The Warren police force is growing. Six new officers were sworn in on Monday.
It's been a long time coming. It's been nearly two years since voters passed a half percent sales tax to increase the city police force, but over the past year, it's paid off.
"This is the most that we've hired that I know of in the last 40 or 50 years in the police department," said Police Chief Eric Merkel. "We've got 17 this year. Now the number of officers in Warren has reached 69."
"With the addition of one more, we'll be able to qualify for what is known as the COPS grant which will enable us to afford three more once we hit that 70 threshold. So that's what we are working towards," said Public Safety and Service Director Enzo Cantalamessa.
So what are patrol officers saying about the much-needed increase in the number of people in the police force?
It means a lot for the safety of the officers and for the public in general. Trevor Sumption started in 2008. When he responds to a call, he's relieved to know another officer will be close by.
"It's definitely nice to have more guys there. People tend to obey commands more when they are outnumbered or when the numbers are the same versus when we are outnumbered. It tends to drop our use of force ratio when you have extra guys," said Sumption.
These six new officers will train with a partner for nine months before going solo.
City officials think they'll get that 70th officer within the next 90 days which will then allow them to hire three more.
Thw COPS grant is renewable every two to three years.