A Campbell Police Officer has resigned after a controversial video surfaced of him responding to police calls with a crew from Barstool Sports, and city leaders say there are comments that put the city in a negative light.

Part-time Campbell Police Officer Ryan Young, who has been on the department for three and a half years, turned in his letter of resignation on Tuesday.

Young tells 21 News that he is not a bad person and he has personally reached out to some members of the police department to let them know he had no intention of hurting them, and he would never want to make the city look bad.

But Campbell Mayor Nick Phillips says he was shocked to see the ride along video that not only puts others at risk, but could have posed a liability for the city and damaged Campbell's image.

In the first part of the video that is shot by Barstool Sports' "Rough and Rowdy Brawl's" production team you see Officer Young driving a Campbell Police cruiser with Adam Ferrone from Barstool Sports in the passenger seat.  

Officer Young is asked about what type of neighborhood they are in and responds, "Guns, drugs, it's the projects man.  Just like anywhere."

The part-time Campbell Officer had permission to give the production company a tour of the city according to the police chief because Officer Young was going to particate in an amateur brawl at the Covelli Centre in August.  But it's those negative comments that caught Mayor Nick Phillips off guard.

"Well after viewing the video, I became highly upset. I saw one of our officers with this company and the officer depicting our city in a negative light," Mayor Phillips said.

Young who the mayor and Chief Dennis Puskarcik agree had an excellent record as a police officer was allowed to give an interview, but not allowed to give a ride along, or participate in other actions that ultimately cost him his job.

On one part of the videotape you hear Officer Young tell the production crew he's going to pull a car over and give the driver a ticket, but by the end of the coversation with the driver he clearly changes his mind.

"To her, she's old she didn't have much of a driving record. There's no reason to ruin her day and write her a ticket for that," Officer Young said.

Then you see Ferrone on tape say, "Do you think about fu----- her up?"

Officer Young does not respond.

Mayor Phillips and the police chief felt it was clear the production company had an agenda when promoting their upcoming amateur fights.

"Again like I said I understand they're promoting their event, that's all well and good for them, but they did so at the expense of this young man's job," Mayor Phillips said.

21 News was able to catch up with Adam Ferrone with Barstool Sports by telephone as he landed by plane in New York.  He claims Campbell's Police Chief had him sign release forms that allowed them to do the ride along and go out on police calls.

"So for a community like that to be robbed of one of the few officers who obviously had some type of a repoire really seems like a disservice to the community," Ferrone said.

Ferrone said he was very surprised to turn in his resignation because the police chief was pretty direct in saying that we were allowed to ride along with him.  

"The police chief shook my hand as I walked out tothe car and said have fun with this guy and they printed out the warrants for us to serve, so they were pretty aware of everything that we were going to be doing," Farrone said.

Allegations Chief Puscarchik denies.

Now the owner and founder of Barstool Sports now also wants to take the situation into his own hands and is offering to double Ryan Young's salary as a former police officer while he looks for a new job and a new way forward.

Campbell's mayor and police chief say it's not out of the question that Young could get his job back down the line.

It's unclear if he plans to still participate in the "Rough and Rowdy" event in August.