An air horn simulated gunshots inside the Mahoning County Career and Technical Center in Canfield Tuesday, where an A.L.I.C.E. active school shooting drill took place.

A Canfield police officer, who is also the school's resource officer, demonstrated to staff what to do if there is a shooter in the school.

The training comes in light of the recent Florida shooting that claimed the lives of 17 people at a high school in Parkland.

"We know that there is a problem with the traditional lockdown-type scenarios," said Steve Garstka from the Canfield Police Department. "I think people appreciate that we are evolving to help combat that problem."

21 News asked the officer his response to the A.L.I.C.E. training that suggests staff and students fight back.

"I don't believe that the A.L.I.C.E. program puts people in danger. It saves people and it empowers them to protect themselves," said Garstka.

Those who participated in the training tells us they feel Tuesday's training gives them more options when in a lockdown situation.