At least two Trumbull County Jail inmates could be facing new charges after allegedly overdosing inside the jail. 

Major Dan Mason of the Trumbull County Sheriff's Office said that around 9 p.m. on Monday corrections officers noticed a large group of inmates standing together in the minimum security pod. 

Maj. Mason says officers entered the pod and found 35 -year-old Timothy Click and 31-year-old Timothy McGowan overdosing on the ground. 

Mason says each one was administered at least three to four doses of Narcan in order to revive them. McGowan and Click were then reportedly transferred to a local hospital for treatment. 

Mason says a third inmate is suspected of bringing the drugs in through the jail's body scanner. 

The sheriff's office says body scanner is working properly. Maj. Mason says the corrections officer who was running the scanner overlooked several indicators.

However, the situation is still under investigation. Mason says it will be up to Sheriff Paul Monroe if there are any disciplinary measures taken. 

Meanwhile, Maj. Mason says that the department is waiting on medical information to come back from McGowan and Click, and they will most likely face charges of drug abuse. 

The third inmate, who is accused of bringing the drugs in will potentially face charges of illegally conveying drugs into a corrections facility. 

Click and McGowan is already back in the Trumbull County Jail. 

This is the second instance of inmates overdosing inside the jail since the body scanners were introduced.