Just a couple of years ago, St. Elizabeth Boardman Hospital was putting the finishing touches on its second tower. A space, at the time, that had some extra room.

"Our two towers have grown to capacity.  Actually, it is kind of interesting, we have a cap on it because the Boardman Fire Department ladder truck can only go so high.  We've maxed out how high the towers can go, but there is other acreage around here and other opportunities for new services," said St. Elizabeth Boardman President Genie Aubel.

This week, Mercy Health marks the 10 year anniversary of St. Elizabeth Boardman Hospital.

Since 2007, it's admitted more than 100,000 patients and treated more than 450,000 people in the emergency department.

When the campus opened 10 years ago, hospital officials thought it would take 20 years for the hospital to double in size.  Just a decade later, the hospital has nearly doubled the number of emergency and operating rooms.  It is treating nine times as many patients in its outpatient wing and it's doubled the average number of monthly births since moving maternity services from Youngstown to Boardman in 2014.

"We've been focused on meeting the needs of the community.  We are thrilled with how this area has embraced our presence here in Boardman and we look forward to the future to identify those needs, continue to grow," said Aubel.

This year alone, St. Elizabeth Boardman has added a robot to its surgery services.  

In September, the hospital is opening an ambulatory pharmacy and it has plans to expand its emergency room.