"'Get out of the car, get out of the car,' so I just almost froze. He yelled get out of the car again, so I got out of the car, " said Ramona Dischiavo who shared her experience of being carjacked in Youngstown on Wednesday.

The 58 year- old Youngstown resident was shaken as she described her encounter with suspect 17 year- old Jeremy Britton who escaped from the Mahoning County Juvenile Justice Center Wednesday morning.

She says it happened as she was visiting her mother at her Adams Street home.

Dischiavo went into the garage. As she started her 1992 Cadillac ElDorado, Dischiavo said the teen jumped out from the front of the vehicle  demanding she get out.

"He jumped in the car, he slammed it in reverse, I said oh I better get out of the way and I started running down the driveway and he just took off, and I was screaming he's stealing my car, he's stealing my car," said Dischiavo. 

She says a YSU sports team was practicing nearby and heard her calls for help.  

"I couldn't get my cell phone out of my pocket, so the coach was quick enough in the brain and calm enough that he called 911 and the girls helped me settle down and what not," Dischiavo said. 

Dischiavo is now uncertain about the condition of her car she said she loved after it was involved in a police chase that included a ride down a railroad bed.

"I was going to get historical plates this summer," police impounded it for evidence after Britton allegedly lead officers on a chase. 

Police are still searching for the suspect.