Eight men are headed to court in Mahoning County for failing to pay child support.

Indictments handed up last week are a last ditch effort to get them to pay what they owe.

In these cases, the eight fathers were only charged with a crime after prosecutors say every other attempt to get them to pay child support failed.

More than $73 million in back child support is owed to children in Mahoning County.

"We have cases where people move, work under the table, get a license in another state, put their company name in their girlfriend's name. You name it we have it," said Attorney John Caroline, who represents the Mahoning County Child Support Enforcement Agency.

The agency and the Mahoning County Prosecutor's Office try to make criminal prosecution and jail time of alleged deadbeat dads or parents a last resort.

"For the initial round of cases we're pursuing we decided to focus on the most egregious offenders. And so we were only looking at this point at folks who have failed to make a payment over a two year period," said Assistant Mahoning County Prosecutor Shawn Burns. "The last thing we want to do is put folks in jail or seek to have that happen. The goal is to make sure that children are getting the support, and the families are getting the support they desperately need. And obviously if they're in jail they can't pay."

Anyone who fails to make 26 payments over a 104 week period or two years can be prosecuted for criminal non-support under Ohio law.

But Child Support Enforcement and the prosecutors say they try everything including suspending a person's driver's license and sending them diversion letters to get their attention and get them to begin making payments.

"We certainly have enough cases through the hard work of child support to be able to begin prosecuting these on a routine basis. So this isn't a sporadic effort, this isn't a ploy," said Burns. "This is something that unfortunately unless folks respond to our efforts and to those of child support we're going to be seeing a lot more of in the near future."

The eight men indicted by the Mahoning County Grand Jury for Nonsupport of Dependents:

  • Richard L. Williams, 43, Youngstown
  • Louis E. Underwood, 60, Youngstown
  • Derick M. Edwards, 45, Youngstown
  • Mario S. Townsend, 54, Youngstown
  • Michael J. Gornes, 41, Miamisburg, Oh
  • Keith A. Jenkins, 45, Columbus, Oh
  • Darrell C. Cooper, 34, Youngstown
  • Damian S. Richardson, 38, Warren

All eight defendants are expected to be summoned to court to face a judge for their initial appearance on Tuesday, May 23.

The majority of those indicted are charged with a fifth degree felony for nonsupport of dependents and could face up to one year in prison and a $2500 fine if convicted.

Louis E. Underwood is allegedly a repeat offender and is charged with a felony 4. He could potentially face a maximum of 18-months in prison and a $5,000 fine if convicted.

When it comes to enforcement Mahoning County has been considered a leader.