As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week, the state of Ohio will participate in a statewide tornado drill and test its Emergency Alert System (EAS) on at 9:50 a.m. today.

During this time, Ohio counties will sound and test their outdoor warning sirens. Schools, businesses and households are encouraged to practice their tornado drills and emergency plans.

Ohio Committee for Severe Weather Awareness encourages Ohioans to practice the following safety measures:

Know Your Risk

Learn and understand the different types of weather hazards that occur in Ohio. Know how severe weather could impact your household, your job, your community. Ohio's springtime hazards include tornadoes, thunderstorms, floods, and even snowstorms through early spring. Visit the OCSWA website at to view current weather in Ohio, and to learn about severe weather safety and preparedness.

During tornado drills or actual tornado warnings, remember to DUCK!

D – Go DOWN to the lowest level

U – Get UNDER something (like a basement staircase or heavy table or desk)

C – COVER your head

K – KEEP in shelter until the storm has passed

Know the Weather Terms – Know the difference between storm watches and storm warnings.

For example, a tornado watch is issued by the National Weather Service when conditions are favorable for the development of tornadoes in and close to the area. During a tornado watch, review tornado safety plans and be prepared to move to a safe place if conditions worsen. Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio or local TV or radio stations newscasts for storm updates.