They say one man's trash is another man's treasure

"That is absolutely true.   There is a lot of people that would think a lot of this stuff I have is worth nothing, but there is a lot of people out there that collect just like I do," said Moe Jones of Sandy Lake.

For the past 35 years, Jones has traveled the country collecting pretty much anything.  Although, his true passion has been finding items related automobiles.  His extensive license plate collection decorates the walls of his shop in Sandy Lake.  On Wednesday, his finds will be featured on the History Channel's American Pickers as the men from that show scour Jones' collection looking for some junkyard gems.


"It's amazing how big the collection is.  I've got building after building after building," said Jones.

Jones said it would take at least one week to go through all the buses, trailers and buildings on his 77 acres of property to truly get a look at what he's been able to collect over the last three decades.   The group from American Pickers had just one day to dig through it all.

"They looked for all kinds of things.   They loved the gas station stuff.   They love motorcycle things.   They love anything automobile related, but they also buy some strange things and I can't tell you what they bought here, but they like architectural things also, but it's amazing what they'll buy," said Jones.

You can see for yourself if the American Pickers found what they were looking for at Jones Salvage when the episode airs on the History Channel Wednesday January 21st at 9:00 p.m.