Trumbull County Sheriff Tom Altiere says an unhappy inmate was responsible for starting a disturbance at the county jail Tuesday night.

Altiere tells 21 News that a group of 15 inmates refused to go into their cells at around 11:00 p.m., because they did not want to go to bed.

The inmate who allegedly prompted the incident had been complaining about the medicine that he receives at the jail.

Once the security officer on duty realized that the situation could get out of hand, he called in extra deputies along with officers from the Warren police department as a precaution..

After the extra officers arrived, the inmates complied with orders to return to their cells after about 18 minutes.

Authorities say the inmates never made any threats, and nothing inside the jail was damaged.

Sheriff Altiere identified the inmate leading the incident last night as 44-year-old Julius Jordan.

Jordan is serving time on a possession of cocaine charge.

So far no one involved is facing any charges in last night's incident.

The sheriff says that says that a hostage situation at the jail last April helped prepare his deputies for incidents like this. "When we have a pod that seems to be unruly, or they don't want to lock down, we always call the police,” said Altiere. “Fortunately most of the times we don't even have to use them, but they're there in case we do, In this instance they all just went back in their cells and everything was fine.”

Just last Friday, violence erupted in the Mahoning County jail on Friday when a nurse making her routine rounds was attacked by an inmate.

A grand jury is expected to consider filing charges against Deron Williams, who has been identified as the inmate behind that incident.