Two suspects are under arrest after a police chase that involved gunfire.

Police said they pulled over a car driven by Jason Duecaster, 30, of Youngstown during a routine traffic stop on West Liberty Street just before noon Tuesday.

"In the course of the traffic stop the passenger fled from the vehicle, while the officer was giving foot chase the passenger drew a weapon and fired several times at my police officer," said Chief Jim Taafe, Hubbard Police Department.

Officials said Jeffery Irby, 26, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, was the passenger who ran from the car and fired four shots at patrolman D.J. Dripps.

Officer Dripps was not injured and continued the chase. With an armed suspect running loose in a neighborhood, the Hubbard Police Department called for backup.

"We called the Violent Crimes Task Force, Campbell Police Department, Hubbard Township Police Department, Liberty, Lowellville, there were a whole bunch of other police departments here that helped us set up a perimeter," said Chief Taafe.

The perimeter was set up around the area and a K-9 tracking dog was brought in to assist searchers.

During the chase, Hubbard City Schools and Saint Patrick School were locked down for a half hour.

Police spotted Irby near Tylee Lane, where he was placed under arrest.

Investigators said they recovered a small caliber, semi-automatic loaded handgun.

Both men are charged with felonious assault and improper handling of a firearm. Irby was also charged with having a weapon under a disability.

Irby and Duecaster are scheduled to appear on Wednesday in Girard Municipal Court.