Police: Pa. couple fought over Dr. Phil show
AMBRIDGE, Pa. (AP) - A western Pennsylvania man is charged with assaulting his girlfriend when they argued about an episode of television psychologist "Dr. Phil."
Online court records don't list an attorney for 20-year-old Joseph Reefer, of Ambridge, who faces a preliminary hearing Friday on charges of simple assault and harassment. Reefer also doesn't have a listed phone.
The Beaver County Times reports Reefer was charged Thursday after arguing with his girlfriend over custody of their baby. The woman tells Ambridge police the fight began while they were watching the television psychologist's show about former relationship partners, prompting her and Reefer to argue about their own exes.
Police say Reefer acknowledged arguing with the woman, but denied assaulting her. But police say she had scratches and bruises and they found a broken vase that supported her claims.
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