GOP Rep. LaTourette announces retirement
PAINESVILLE, Ohio - After serving nine-terms in Congress, U.S. Representative Steven LaTourette says he's done.
The long-time congressman, who represents a portion of Trumbull County as well as other parts of northeastern Ohio, has announced that he's retiring and will not run for re-election.
"The time has come for not only good politics, but good policy and I have reached a conclusion that the atmosphere today and the reality that exists in the House of Representatives no longer encourages the finding of common ground," LaTourette said.
Known as a results oriented lawmaker, LaTourette made the announcement from his Painesville office saying in essence Washington is broken and compromise is often considered a dirty word on Capitol Hill.
"People are more interested in fighting with each other than they are in getting the no brainers done in government," LaTourette said.
LaTourette is not only disappointed in how the transportation reauthorization bill played out, and the lack of movement on the farm bill, he also has been negotiating with Democrats and Republicans for the last year to try and resolve the nation's fiscal problems.
"We owe $15-trillion. We are a hiccup away from being Europe, we are a hiccup away from being Greece, and if there was ever a time when statesmen and stateswomen stood up and said, I may lose this next election, but we've got to stand up and get it right," LaTourette said.
Mark Munroe, the Chairman of the Republican Party in Mahoning County says he agrees with the 14th District Congressman. "I have to agree with Congressman LaTourette. Washington is broken and this country is heading for a cliff. I hate to get political, but it's reflective of a lack of leadership. The House of Representatives has sent dozens of bills to the Senate for consideration that have just been ignored. The Democrat controlled Senate has refused to adopt a budget in three years," Munroe said.
Democratic Congressman Tim Ryan issued a written statement from Washington saying, "It is a shame that there is no longer room in the Republican Party for such a pragmatic problem solver. His retirement is a loss for Ohio and just one more example of how extreme the Tea Party is and how strong their hold is on the Republican Party."