Lemon Grove expanding in downtown Youngstown

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - A popular downtown Youngstown restaurant will be moving to a larger space.
The Lemon Grove restaurant and bar, which serves as a meeting place for artists, community activists and others, has outgrown its current space.
Owner Jacob Harver will be buying the building that once housed the Rosetta Stone restaurant.
Harver says the Lemon Grove already has some of the best food in town, but adds now they'll be able to expand upon that and do more catering jobs.
He also has plans for the basement of the building, saying they are going to open a concert venue and a club. Harver also says this will allow more room for growth.
Harver hopes to open at the new location in May or the end of June. His goal is to have a 24 hour operation at some point.
He says he is excited about all the businesses downtown working to create an entertainment district to draw people from across the region.
Harver says he needs the communities help in what he calls, "Lemon Groveizing" the atmosphere of new space so that it can "live up to the full potential of expressing and furthering the community." For more information on that visit click the link. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/lemongrove/project-110