You may have noticed we're airing a new promo for WFMJ Today! In the promo you'll see that veteran journalist Jennifer Brindisi is joining the morning show. Jen's a Valley native, married and a busy working mom! Jen's got a great sense of humor and can cover everything from breaking news to stories that will help us all get more out of life.  

Speaking of stories, no one likes being out and about telling the stories of our Valley more than Lauren. On some mornings you'll see Lauren live previewing the latest event, trend or just plain cool thing in our Valley, but you'll also still see her in the studio with the rest of the gang  bringing you stories about the people and places that make our Valley unique.  

Mark Monstrola's still our weather guy, but he's branching out and will also be our guy for all things tech!  

And speaking of today's technology, we're expanding our use of Facebook and Twitter in the show so we can find out how you feel about the topics of the day. We'll also share photos and other stuff everyone's talking about. Many of you have been asking for more WFMJ Today, so later this week we're launching a WFMJ Today page on It will be a place where you can get all of the great information on the show each day. 

So where does that leave our main man Mike? The quarterback of course! Mike will QB the show every morning from the new AM desk in studio. Expect more Mike to mean more fun in the morning! 

All this plus your day's news, weather and sports! The fun starts Monday!