YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - Wednesday was the last day on the job for Youngstown Police Chief Jimmy Hughes.
Chief Hughes officially retired on Wednesday after a luncheon in his honor held by members of the Youngstown Police Department staff. A number of his colleagues from city hall, retired officers and friends also dropped by the police roll call room to wish him well.
As his colleagues said goodbye and snapped photos with the chief, a representative from Congressman Tim Ryan's Office presented a congressional citation to him, recognizing Chief Hughes' 35 years of service to the community, six of those years as the city's top cop.
Hughes says one of his proudest achievements is introducing initiatives that helped reduce the violent crime rate to it's lowest numbers in decades, "I started this venture thinking Jimmy Hughes could make a difference and I do believe I did working with the great staff at the Youngstown Police Department and the community."
Hughes says he's excited about what the future holds, but was not specific about his plans.
Captain Rod Foley was appointed to fill the chief's position for the next two years and he will take the helm for his first full day in office on Thursday.