Friday marked 53 years to the day that crews placed a statue of the Virgin Mary on top of a tower in North Jackson. Today, a church is trying to raise money to keep that tower intact for the next 53 years.

It's stood as a landmark for more than five decades; the Virgin Mary, perched atop a stone tower with a spiral staircase.

"People who had come here as immigrants wanted a reminder of their hometown, so they built a replica of the original which was much, much larger. So for 50-plus years, it's been kind of an emotional and sentimental place for people to come," said Chorbishop Anthony Spinosa.

After several repair projects over the years, Chorbishop Spinosa says it's time to try something different.

"The fieldstone, which was original and actually quite beautiful, just did not hold up well. The Ohio winters have been taking its toll," said Spinosa.

Crews already removed the stone, selling off pieces as heavy mementos. In its place will be blown limestone.

It's not cheap, with a projected cost of at least $100,000 for the project, but it's a material built to last and built to 'wow' anyone who visits.

"Our goal is to make it really stand out. Where the original stone was rather dark, we want this limestone to be much brighter," said Spinosa.

A tower that is already a beacon in the Valley, now getting ready for its makeover.

The church has a fundraising event Saturday at Saint Maron's in Youngstown from 6 p.m.-11 p.m. The "Summer Bash" costs $30 per person with a goal of raising enough money to get the work started next week.