School leaders in a Mercer County district are coming under criticism for a policy dealing with transgender restrooms. 

Before a school board meeting Monday night, about 100 parents gathered outside Lakeview High School in Stoneboro.

They signed a petition that said they're opposed to a recent policy that would allow students to use restrooms based on their gender identity, rather than their sex. 

"If you have 10 kids that all want to use a different bathroom, eight of them may have good intentions. But it's going to be the two that don't have good intentions that come out of a stall, possibly show themselves to my daughter, and cause a bigger problem," said parent John Fusco.

"We are going to create a situation to convenience one party and create the potential for numerous other individuals to feel very awkward," said grandparent Bill Ewing. 

The group, all wearing green, gathered hand-in-hand for a prayer before heading into the meeting.

During that prayer, student Daniel Hudson, who identifies as a male, also approached the school.  

He said he didn't ask for the bathroom policy change but believes it's an important step.

"There have been quite a few times where I didn't know which ones to use because I didn't want to start any trouble. But at the same time, I didn't want to make anyone else feel uncomfortable or myself," said Hudson. "I would like to teach them that everyone's opinion is important, but sometimes there are things that aren't just an opinion. Equality is very important, even in a small community like this."

We reached out to the school board president, who did not want to comment.

A public meeting to discuss the policy has been scheduled for Tuesday, July 17th at 6:30 pm.