A renowned author and 2003 Nobel Peace Prize nominee was in the Valley to talk about the risks of fracking and waste injection wells.

Lois Gibbs led the fight to free her community of Love Canal, New York, of toxic chemicals that had been buried for decades under her neighborhood.

That chemical seeped up and polluted her community in the 1970s.

That fight led to a federal program called the Superfund which would be used nationwide to clean up toxic waste.

Friday, Lois Gibbs made a stop in Brookfield where two fracking waste wells are being constructed.  Highland Field Services LLC was granted a permit from ODNR last month to drill the wells.

Gibbs says these decisions made by the government are simply political.

"This is not a decision based on science. They project it as such but it's not. Where do they think the weakest link is and they think this county is in particular because they have so many already, what's one more?" said Gibbs.

Gibbs says it's not too late for the people of the area to stop the construction of the wells. 

She says the area has a lot of the elements that could get it stopped but it takes some effort.

"The problem with Ohioans, with all due respect, is you're all way too polite. Polite people get poisoned. You have to get up and speak out and remember it's a political issue, stop arguing the science," said Gibbs.