Former Campbell mayor facing another fraud lawsuit
A former Campbell mayor is in trouble again, but those who fell victim to his latest alleged scam probably wouldn't know it was him. That's because George Krinos is accused of operating under the name "George Nicholis" when he allegedly offered home improvement work such as roofing and remodeling as an employee of Windows, Doors, Kitchens, and More.

A former Campbell mayor with a troubled history finds himself in trouble again.
George Krinos is being sued by the Ohio Attorney General's office for allegedly offering home improvement work such as roofing and remodeling through his company, Windows, Doors, Kitchens and More.
Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine announced a consumer protection action against Krinos Monday and is seeking reimbursement for customers of the business, which Krinos operated under the name "George Nicholis."
DeWine's lawsuit alleges Krinos of accepting money for projects but not delivering what was promised.
The Attorney General accuses Krinos of taking a total of $12,200 from three different consumers.
Those who suspect they've fallen victim to sales deception are asked to contact the Ohio Attorney General's Office at or by calling 800-282-0515.
Krinos resigned from his position as mayor a year after taking office in 2010 in the midst of a federal fraud investigation.
The former mayor pleaded guilty in January to one count of securities fraud and one count of willfully failing to pay taxes.
Krinos, or Boardman, used his companies, known as Krinos Holdings, to engage in a securities fraud scheme in which he deceptively sold securities to at least 10 people in Ohio, according to prosecutors.
He faces the possibility of spending one year in prison when he faces sentencing in July.