Luke Holko continuing to beat odds seven years later
Seven years after being hit with a foul ball at a Scrappers' game, Luke Holko of North Bloomfield is busy playing sports like other 11-year-olds and he still stays in touch with the player who hit that ball.

Seven years after being hit with a foul ball at a Scrappers' game, Luke Holko of North Bloomfield is busy playing sports like other 11-year-olds and he still stays in touch with the player who hit that ball.
You may remember that in 2009, Luke Holko was four-years-old when he suffered critical injuries from being hit in the back of the head with a foul ball at a Scrappers' game.
Fast forward to today and Luke is now a fifth grader at Maplewood Middle School. He played basketball this winter, he is playing baseball again and he plans to try soccer for the first time.
Nicole Holko, Luke's mother, said that this was the first time since the accident that Luke has been able to go all year without wearing a brace on his right foot but he will probably need it again down the road.
She said that he still deals with difficulty lifting the front part of his right foot, deafness in his left ear and some balance issues from time to time when he is sick.
The family is asking for prayers as Luke has had some medical issues lately but they are not sure if the issues are related.
Meanwhile, the Holko family has stayed in touch with the player who hit the foul ball that day, Ben Carlson. They continue to meet up with Carlson and his family and recently came back from a trip with them.