Hillary Clinton to speak at NAACP convention in Cincinnati
Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will speak to the NAACP national convention in Cincinnati as the Republican National Convention is getting underway in Cleveland.

Associated Press
CINCINNATI (AP) - Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton will speak to the NAACP national convention in Cincinnati as the Republican National Convention is getting underway in Cleveland.
The nation's oldest civil rights organization has its convention July 16-20. Clinton is scheduled to speak July 18.
The organization says presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has also been invited to speak.
Trump will be on the other side of Ohio for the July 18-21 party convention.
Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain each spoke in Cincinnati the last time the NAACP convened there in 2008, ahead of their general election presidential showdown won by Obama.
The organization expects thousands of members to take part in this year's 107th annual convention, under the theme "Our Lives Matter, Our Votes Count."
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