The latest results of tests on water samples from Mill Creek MetroPark’s Lake Newport once again show E. coli bacteria levels well within acceptable levels.

Nine samples taken from three locations on Tuesday of this week came up with E. coli levels similar to those from one week before.

Three samples each were taken from the Boathouse, the Bridge and the Boat Launch.

“The testing of Lake Newport is still in the beginning stages and it’s too early to make any significant correlations with the data. However, the weather conditions over the past two samples are very similar with no significant amounts of rainfall and substantial sun exposure on the lake itself,” says Ryan Tekac, Director of Environmental Health for the Mahoning County District Board of Health.

The District Board of Health will continue to test weekly for the next 10 weeks in order to provide the Mill Creek Metro Parks with data that can be utilized to establish a baseline or trend indicators.

The park has suspended all activities including fishing, boating and kayaking in Lakes Newport, Glacier and Cohasset since early last month when high levels of E. coli were detected.

As 21 News first reported in late June, park officials began investigating sewer and other runoff into the waterways when a large number of fish were found dead in Lake Newport.

There are no immediate plans to re-open the lakes for recreational activity.