If you're voting at the polls in Mahoning County on Tuesday there will be some changes that could speed up the process.

Workers are being trained on a new system that will be used for this election.

Volunteers and system trainers say it will now take about 18 seconds to register a voter by using his or her drivers license.

The Director of the Mahoning Board of Elections, Joyce Kale-Pesta said, "You come in and we use what is like a tablet to scan your drivers license. It brings up your name, you sign, you get a slip to tell you to get your ballot, and you vote. There is no more looking through the book, no more signatures, no more hold up at the tables."

In Mahoning County voter turn out is expected to be around 20 percent for Tuesday's primary voting.

Kale Pesta said, "I believe voter turnout will be heavy in Struthers because there is a hotly contested race. I think turnout will be high in South Range because of the school levy."

In Trumbull County the Board of Elections is also estimating voter turn out at about 18 to 20 percent.

The Director of the Trumbull Board of Elections, Jodi Fiorenzo-Dibble said, "We are expecting high voter turn out in Niles because of the contested race for Mayor. We are also expecting voters in the Lakeview School District to turn out to vote due to the Bond Issue on the ballot."

In Trumbull County poll workers will be using the Roll Books or Logs to check if voters are registered.

In Ohio people need to bring a drivers license, a state I-D, military I-D, bank statement, or utility bill to vote.

More information can be found on the Board of Elections websites for the county where you live.