Congressman urges cooperation between Teamsters and Giant Eagle distributor

Taking a page from the Jim Traficant playbook, Valley Congressman Tim Ryan is calling on both sides in a local labor dispute to continue efforts to settle their differences.
Representative Ryan as sent letters pleading with the Tamarkin Company and Teamsters Local 377 to “quickly and efficiently negotiate a fair resolution to the ongoing labor dispute. The result of an impasse is simply not in the best interests of the workers, the company or this community,” writes Ryan.
On Wednesday, members of Local 377 narrowly voted down what the company called a final offer on a contract extension.
Some Teamster members tell 21 News that they feel that Tamarkin, which supplies Giant Eagle stores, is trying to build a new warehouse at the expense of the union.
Giant Eagle issued a statement saying that the final offer included increased wages, maintained health benefits and included a generous 401K plan. Giant Eagle also says it is considering a third party to construct a new distribution center in either Ohio or Pennsylvania.
“I am hopeful that both negotiating teams will return to a good faith bargaining process and reach a fair and equitable agreement for all sides,” said Ryan.
Ryan's predecessor, Jim Traficant, was legendary for intervening in strikes and other contentious labor disputes when he was a member of congress.