A veteran Struthers police detective has been fired for disciplinary reasons.

Ray Greenwood has been on administrative leave since May, when the city started to investigate allegations of "inappropriate conduct". 
Greenwood became a patrol officer in 1999 and had been a detective for five years.

Mayor Terry Stocker told 21 News Thursday afternoon that Greenwood has been issued a letter of termination.

The mayor released the text of that letter:

“As a police officer you are held to a higher standard. The public expects more and deserves more from someone to whom it has permitted the authority to arrest others and take away the liberty of its citizens. Unfortunately, due to the gravity surrounding untruthfulness in a police officer and the act of insubordination, as well as the multiple instances of behavior unbecoming a City of Struthers police officer and the impact that those behaviors have on your ability to continue to effectively function as a police officer, there is no other alternative. I sincerely thank you for the service that you have provided up until this point to the City of Struthers and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.”

The letter also stated the action was taken following an internal investigation surrounding untruthfulness, insubordination, as well as multiple instances of behavior unbecoming a Struthers police officer.

Greenwood can challenge his termination through the grievance and arbitration procedure of the contract with the police union.