WARREN, Ohio - Residents in Ohio are dying at record high overdose rates.
In Trumbull County, law enforcement, service providers, former addicts and people who have lived through addictions of loved ones teamed up at Rally for Recovery.
Lieutenant Jeff Orr, Commander of the Trumbull Ashtabula Group, also known as TAG, takes drugs off the streets by arresting drug dealers.
Orr says heroin and prescription drug use is becoming an epidemic, so it's important for law enforcement to partner with these groups to get the message out.
Information was handed out and available regarding treatment programs for people with drug addictions.
April Caraway, Executive Director of Trumbull Mental Health and Recovery, says Trumbull County has the seventh highest rate of accidental heroin deaths in the state.
Caraway says there are many agencies in the region that can help people who are dealing with addiction. In Trumbull County, some treatment centers include Community Solutions, Neil Kennedy, Glenbeigh and Meridian. 
Caraway says that marijuana is a gateway drug that lures teens into taking other drugs.
David Spies, a recovering addicts, says he reached rock bottom the first day he walked into the Ohio Penitentiary.
During his time in the Penitentiary, Spies took college classes. After prison he got his degree in computer science.
Spies, who is a member of Solace, successfully writes software. He wants other addicts to know they can turn their lives around and have a future.
Support groups set up booths at the event and provided information that can help families who have a loved one struggling with addiction.
The groups passed out information on local meetings. At the meetings, parents and others discuss how to deal with the constant pressure to provide money, theft, deception and problems that come with addiction.
Teri Boggs says when she first found out her son was addicted, he was in high school.
When Boggs reached out for help she found a support group that she says saved her life.