Cardinal Mooney under investigation by OHSAA
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio – The Cardinal Mooney football program is under investigation, by the Ohio High School Athletic Association for allegedly recruiting two Struthers Middle school students.
In a press release sent by the OHSAA, two Struthers Middle School students were being "enticed" to attend Cardinal Mooney.
One student attended a dinner hosted by a Mooney assistant football coach and Sports Director Dana Balash has learned through several sources that coach was in charge of the freshman team and has resigned.
A second individual is still being investigated by the OHSAA for allegedly texting the second student.
This investigation started several months ago..
The one student has been accepted to Mooney, and according to the OHSAA office will not be eligible for athletics for one year if he attends Mooney this coming school year.
The second student could face the same penalty if he decides to attend Mooney.
Assistant Superintendent at the Diocese of Youngstown Randy Rair says the allegations of that second individual texting the student have not been substantiated.
"Accusations of two coaches. One was accused of taking them to dinner which to our knowledge happened. The other was the coach was accused of texting. We have found no evidence that that happened," Rair said.
"That initiated a series of events which ended with the OHSAA notifying us that they possibly had alleged illegal enticement. So we feel pretty proud that we didn't run to the Ohio High School Athletic Association," said Joseph Nohra, Superintendent of Struthers Schools.
"Our list of sanctions is a long one in terms of a lot of different sanctions we could impose. Those go anywhere from monetary fines, to post season bans, to all different kinds of things," said Tim Streid, Director of Informational Services for the Ohio High School Athletic Association.
The Diocese is not releasing the names of any of the coaches involved. 21 Sports Director Dana Balash spoke with OHSAA Commissioner Dr. Dan Ross who said the matter is still being investigated and that any sanctions against the school would be coming in the near future.