Felicia Beemer pleads guilty to raping 13-month-old daughter, sentenced 15 to life

WARREN, Ohio - The woman accused of raping her own infant inside a Trumbull County Children Services visitation room, and then recording it, made a surprise guilty plea on Wednesday.
Trumbull County Common Pleas Court Judge Wyatt McKay sentenced Beemer to 15 years to life in prison and ordered her to register as a sex offender for life.
In one of the most notorious and disturbing cases in Trumbull County's recent history, Beemer and her husband, Cody Beemer, have now both pled guilty to raping their own 13-month-old daughter inside a visitation room at Trumbull County Children Services.
The SIM card for the couple's cell phone also contained video of the couple raping a 19-month-old relative.
Diane Barber, the Trumbull County Assistant Prosecutor handling the case, said if Beemer had gone to trial they had plenty of evidence to prove all seven counts including the two rapes and pandering obscenity. "There's no question. She and the co-defendant videotaped themselves committing those sex acts and continued to possess those videos for months in addition to 532 other images of child obscenity," Barber said.
John Fowler, Beemer's attorney, says the decision to plead guilty came after Beemer was found competent to stand trial.
He believes what's most tragic is that the sexual abuse that Beemer suffered herself as a child has carried over to another generation. "Her first child was the result of a rape by her mother's boyfriend. During her lifetime she was raped at least six times over the years, so that was taken I think into account," Fowler said.
Experts have said Beemer only has the reading capacity of an eight-year-old and her attorney believes her mental capacity also made her less culpable in the crime than her husband.
Cody Beemer was sentenced earlier this year to 25 years to life.
As Beemer was handcuffed and escorted out of the courtroom she was asked if she was sorry for what she did. She gently nodded her head yes.
Prosecutors say Beemer won't be eligible for parole for at least 15 years and vow to oppose her release at any time in the future.