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WFMJ.com News weather sports for Youngstown-Warren OhioZombie movie shot in Youngstown to premiere on the big screen this fall

Zombie movie shot in Youngstown to premiere on the big screen this fall

Director Sergio Myers Director Sergio Myers

YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio - A Zombie movie shot in Youngstown late last year will be premiering on the big screen here this fall.

The movie, "The Zombinator," is about a corporation that unleashes a serum that turns people into zombies.

It was recently picked up by Shore Line Films which will likely show the movie at film festivals.

The director says he will premiere the movie in Youngstown in November.

"They'll take it around the festivals, Toronto, Cannes and different markets, to try and place the movie. Completely excited this happened from this little project we made in four and half days in Youngstown," said Sergio Myers, Director of "The Zombinator."

Myers says tickets for the premiere in Youngstown can be bought from the Kickstarter web site.

He says the money will be used to shoot a sequel to "The Zombinator" which he plans to film around Halloween.

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